New York Travel Guide

Sale price $12.00 Regular price $16.00

March 2025 edition 

New York travel guide and travel maps for global shopping experts. 32 pages total.

Arriving in New York always feels like you’ve arrived in the capital of the world – that is... the world as it looked around 1950. Although recently punctuated by some impressive architectural modernity, aesthetically the city still maintains its historic Gotham vibe. This isn’t Dubai, but at street level the worlds collide in an unmatched smörgåsbord of mixed up exotic cultures and contemporary urban life. From the penthouses to the pavement anything can and does happen in this city. Be totally prepared for the best... and the worst. 

NEW 03 2025 – superfuture New York Googlemap now available via QR code.

uploaded february 20 2025
next update due september 01 2025 

for the latest new york news and review updates also check supernews

new york travel guide for global shopping experts
+ printout on home printer and fold and staple into booklet
+ view on your digital device
+ updated bi-annually
+ 32 pages total [28 detailed pages]
+ 13 detailed and customized area maps
+ accommodation suggestions
+ area guides and orientation in 10 districts
+ essential shopping with superfuture's famous maps
+ food, bars, clubs, travel planning and useful information
+ coffee pitstops, lunch, dinner, and after dinner suggestions
+ top 10 lists
+ suggested daily itineraries
+ includes hyperlinks to external urls
+ seasonal weather report and major exhibition listings

new york travel guide areas

soho | nolita
broadway | noho
east village
lower east
west village | meatpacking
upper east

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New York 03/2025 superFLYER 
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