Paris Travel Guide

Regular price $16.00

March 2025 edition

Paris travel guide and maps for global shopping experts. 28 pages total.

As Bogart declares to Bergman in the Hollywood classic, Casablanca, ‘we’ll always have Paris.’... Despite the odd strike or occasional riot, the city remains as much myth as modern metropolis, feeding the world’s collective imagination with its iconic architecture, art, cultural exhibitions and recent Olympics. Part of the magic is that as you wander the streets of this larger-than-life city, pockets still conserve the pace and scale of a quaint ancient village – while still offering future forward fashion, shopping, dining and nightlife. 

NEW 03 2025 – superfuture Paris Googlemap now available via QR code.

uploaded february 16 2025

next update due september 01 2025 

for the latest paris news and review updates also check supernews

+ paris travel guide for global shopping experts
+ printout on home printer and fold and staple into booklet
+ view on your digital device
+ updated bi-annually
+ 28 pages total [24 detailed pages]
+ 13 detailed and customized area maps
+ accommodation suggestions
+ area guides and orientation in 9 districts
+ essential shopping with superfuture's famous maps
+ food, bars, clubs, travel planning and useful information
+ coffee pitstops, lunch, dinner, and after dinner suggestions
+ top 10 lists
+ suggested daily itineraries
+ includes hyperlinks to external urls
+ seasonal weather report and major exhibition listings

paris travel guide areas

saint honoré | etienne-marcel 
saint germain
champs elysées
montmartre | martyrs 
canal saint-martin
oberkampf | bastille 

from march 2024 editions include new maps of faubourg-montmartre, and extended maps of oberkampf and bastille. 

purchasing process
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4 to avoid any potential downloading charges when traveling, we suggest downloading your paris travel guide beforehand and store it on your digital device  

Paris 03/2025 superFLYER 
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